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ASEAN Barista Team Championship Rules and Regulations 2024

Elimination Rounds 

June 15 

Scoring per match:

15 beverage orders: 15 points

First finisher: +2 points

Winning team: +5 points

Top 4 will proceed to Quarter Final round

Please Take Note Below:

1st Match – Hot Signature Beverage

2nd Match – Cold Signature Beverage

Each team is to serve the assigned drinks from the Beverage Menu cards with as much creative art and quality taste as possible in the allotted time.

Beverage Menu cards will include beverages in Dine-in and Take-away cups in various categories such as Long Black, Caffe Latte, Cappuccino, Piccolo Latte, Filter Coffee, etc.

Quarter & Semi Final 

Scoring per match:

20 beverage orders: 20 points

First finisher: +2 points

Winning team: +3 points

Best Signature Beverage: +2 points

Please Take Note Below:

Only Cold Signature Beverage to be served


Scoring per match:

20 beverage orders: 20 points

First finisher: +2 points

Winning team: +3 points

Best signature beverage: +2 points

Please Take Note Below:

Cold / Hot Signature Beverage to be served

Posted in News.