COFFEE REVIVAL; Flogging a dead horse?

February 17, 2015

From by Irma Isip A state bank and a non-government organization have assured financing support to give back life to the coffee industry.  It is now behind all Asean countries although late in the Spanish regime, it was the only competitor of Brazil in the export market. The Peace and Equity Foundation (PEF) and its… Read More

LandBank, PEF offer financial support to coffee enterprises

February 16, 2015

From by Philippine News Agency Entrepreneurs in the coffee industry are urged to tap financial programs available from public and private lenders. In a news briefing hosted by the Philippine Coffee Board Inc. (PCBI) on Monday in Makati City, LandBank of the Philippines program officer Diosdado M. Domingo said the state-owned bank is offering a… Read More

LBP offers unlimited loan facility for coffee production

February 16, 2015

From by Bernie Magkilat State-owned Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) has opened an unlimited financing for coffee production to support government’s goal to bolster the country’s coffee production, which is now among the top five bottom countries globally. Diosdado M. Domingo, LBP executive officer of Programs Management Department, told reporters during a press… Read More