Arabica – Philippine Coffee Board National Coffee Dev't. Board, Philippine Coffee, coffee business Sat, 01 Feb 2020 05:30:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Arabica – Philippine Coffee Board 32 32 212196107 BASILAN’S COFFEE REVIVAL PROJECT GETS THE ROYAL TOUCH Fri, 31 Jan 2020 19:06:29 +0000 Read More]]> The brew, however, is not likely to lead to another violence that has made the island province a “no man’s land” for many Filipinos, particularly those from Luzon and the Visayas.

With a little help from Kumala S. Elardo, a Sulu princess and chair of the Gender and Development Program of the PCBI, Basilan is hoping to establish itself as a major coffee producer and to finally reclaim as its own coffee beans that are now being marketed as coming from places other than their real place of origin.

Elardo, founder and head of Sulu’s People’s Alliance for Multi-purpose Progress Cooperative established in 2012, is bringing to Basilan the strategies and techniques for profitable coffee production that are promoting peace and progress in her own province as her provincemates have found that producing one of the world’s most popular beverages is a highly sustainable and lucrative livelihood.

Sulu’s “coffee project” is credited with helping families raise their incomes and achieve financial stability. The princess worked initially and primarily with women, but the success of her initiative has also encouraged men who have left their homes for more gainful pursuits―often not above board―to just stay home and help tend and manage the coffee plantations, helping promote peace and stability in a province that has been racked by frequent outbreaks of violence.

Elardo is optimistic that what is working so well for Sulu will also work well for the other island province. “There have always been coffee plantations in Basilan,” Elardo says, although rubber production is the province’s main money-earner. The coffee plantations in the province have been producing the excelsa and arabica varieties.

Years of unrest and other problems, however, have lowered the coffee farmers’ morale, apparently to the extent that they have not been possessive of their own produce. Elardo says that while Basilan’s coffee production has not completely stopped and the coffee is sold in Mindanao’s major commercial hubs, like the cities of Zamboanga and Cagayan de Oro (CDO), the bean is not identified with its true place of origin but rather where it is sold. As such, the Basilan coffee that people buy in Zamboanga becomes Zamboanga’s coffee, and the same goes for the Basilan coffee bought in CDO.

Elardo hopes not only to help revitalize Basilan’s coffee industry but also to expand it and restore the province’s pride in its produce. The princess plans to start in Isabela, the former provincial capital, where the current mayor is her niece. Her expansion strategy involves the conversion of coconut plantations to coffee farms. Many farmers had to abandon coconut production following a disease outbreak that destroyed their plants.

Andy Mojica, Elardo’s fellow PCBI Director, also gave a workshop for the Basilan farmers.

About 74 farmers have already signified their interest in going into coffee production, but Elardo wants to work in phases. “The manageable number is 15,” she says, for training and technology transfer, but she is actually starting with only 10 farmer-leaders. The smallest farm lot size is 10 hectares.

The enterpise also involves the provision of better planting materials as well as the addition of the liberica coffee variety, which the Basilan farmers are interested in growing.

Elardo also realizes that Basilan’s coffee producers need to develop good managerial and marketing skills for their enterprise to succeed. For this, she hopes to organize a new cooperative to replace the old one that is no longer very active. She may also bring up the idea of the whole province giving its produce a single brand to establish a unique and distinctive identity for it. “Basilan Coffee” perhaps?

Just as she relied on the support and assistance of the local governments and the field workers of government agencies for her work in her native Sulu, Elardo is confident that the same partners can be counted on to help make this initiative a success for the advancement of the Basilan and for the achievement of lasting peace in the province.

“We will mobilize all agencies that can be of help,” she says. She is already assured of the full support of the province’s local governments.

The princess is hopeful that the Basilan project will bear fruit and will help improve the lives of the locals even faster than the similar project in Sulu did, because of Basilan’s proximity to an already established and reliable market: Zamboanga City and the rest of the Zamboanga peninsula. Travelling from Basilann to Zamboanga by boat takes only less than an hour, making it easy for the farmers to bring their produce to the Mindanao mainland.

Elardo has the right credentials to make this enterprise for the transformation of Basilan a reality. Her success in Sulu has so far won her Go Negosyo’s Outstanding Social Entrepreneur award. She was also named one of the Outstanding Women Entrepreneurs of the ASEAN Women Entrepreneur Network. A director of PCBI, she currently travels around the country as one of PCBI’s instructors on “Women in Coffee.”


written by Linda Bolido for The Ultimate Coffee Guide, Vol. XII Iss. 2

AMADEO Fri, 16 Feb 2018 09:00:10 +0000 Read More]]> From the blog Traveler on Foot, published on February 14, 2018

A TRIP TO THE COFFEE SOURCE. I noticed that Kapeng Barako has been out of stock in our neighborhood grocery store since New Year. I wondered what’s taking the delay to replenish the grocery shelves with ground coffee. Could be that stores were hoarding their stocks in anticipation of the new tax reform? But I couldn’t wait any longer.

The night critters were still chirping in darkness and the air was viciously cold when we left home for a road trip to find freshly ground coffee in Cavite’s uplands. A light drizzle peppered the windshield when we passed by Imus. Mists began to disperse over the fields in SilangTagaytay began to reveal its ridge with the breathtaking Taal Volcano in the morning light. A few more turns on sloping roads, we arrived in the town of Amadeo.

AMADEO, A PRINCELY TOWN. A sign greeted us to the Coffee Town, a fitting welcome title since the town folks of Amadeo has been into coffee farming since the 1880s. Its early settlers found the sloping terrain, volcanic soil, and the all-year round invigorating nip that is often associated with the Christmas season perfect for high altitude crops like coffee.

Amadeo was known as Sitio Masilaw for the abudant dapdap trees in the area that once bloomed with glaring red flowers. It was Governor-General Rafael de Izquierdo who renamed the town as Amadeo in honor of Prince Amadeo Fernando Maria of Savoy, the second son of  the reigning Spanish monarch of that timeDuring the Philippine Revolution, the town was given a sobriquet as May Pagibig.

ECHOFARM. From Amadeo’s town proper, we were led to ECHOfarm, a vast plantation that practices and promotes sustainable living through organic farming. The farmers here apply vermicasting into their farming method to produce vegetables and crops that are safe and healthy to eat because they are free from harmful chemicals and pesticide residues.

The sprawling ECHOfarm is owned by Chit Juan and has been supplying organically-grown produce to the popular ECHOstore.

KAPENG BARAKO ORCHARD. In between a pineapple plantation and the organic farm is a kapeng barako orchard. Lipa in Batangas has been traditionally known for farming liberica coffee beans and historically famous from the years 1886 to 1888 as the world’s only supplier of coffee. During that period, this Batangas town became a national sensation for its wealth and the envy of other towns in the country. The liberica coffee bean variety got its local name as barako because it was said that wild boars were found by coffee farmers eating the beans from its tree.

Harvesting coffee beans at the EchoFarm is part of the manual labor of its farmers. Ernesto Sales with wife Marvic showed us how freshly picked liberica beans are sorted and dried under the sun. Liberica is the biggest of all the coffee bean varieties and can take up to 40 days to dry under the sun because of its very thick pulp. EchoFarm exclusively grows liberica beans. Traditionally, Amadeo has been growing the arabica variety locally called Kapeng Tagalog.

PAHIMIS BLEND. From the EchoFarm, we were brought to Cafe Amadeo for a morning snack and to observe the coffee roasting method. Cafe Amadeo produces the pahimis blend, a combination of arabica, excelsa and robusta varieties that are all grown in coffee farms of Amadeo.

Guided by the aroma of roasting coffee, we followed the trail into the factory where dried and de-stoned coffee beans are roasted, poured into the grinder, packed and sealed as Cafe Amadeo’s Pahimis Blend.

EPILOGUE: THANK GOD FOR COFFEE.  I had my first taste of coffee at age eight. It was with pad de sal soaked in coffee. Fifteen years later, living by myself, ground kapeng barako beans has become part of the grocery list.

The smell of freshly brewed coffee has become the signature aroma for our home. I like serving coffee when friends come by. I like drinking coffee while having a conversation and when writing. When the caffeine wears off, it’s easy to brew another pot of unlimited happiness we got straight from a coffee farm. Thank God for coffee.

